I found a great little analogy on a fellow JUer's blog today. The poster was, of course, KFC, she who kicks for Christ, a professed occupation on which you can be quite sure I entirely deny judgement. Here it is, beloved reader: Sin is likened to yeast. Basically what yeast does is corrupt the dough. That's what would happen if sin is left unchecked. It would eventually spread and all would be affected. This little analogy got me thinking. Firstly, I spent a few moments remembering...
I've just been watching a few dvds before heading out for new years, and as it happened I just saw one of the ridiculous propaganda ads for the various anti-piracy organisations played as part of the dvd. You know the ones - they say stuff like "You wouldn't steal a car, you wouldn't steal a wallet, you shouldn't buy copyrighted goods" and leave you with the feeling that maybe you should be stealing cars and wallets, because that would at least differentiate you from those anti-fun schmos who...
Howzit.This is just a quick reply to everyone who sent me a christmas message. Hope you all had a great holiday and enjoyed your time off, I know I did.Hopefully you also managed to bury the remains of unlikable relatives without getting caught and/or were able to deal with them without resorting to execution-style murder. Getting back together with family can be an iffy time for everyone but I'm sure we all made it through intact.See you around.
Have there been recent changes to the forums? When I open them up every single article is printed on the same line, so it's just a thick black line with some confused dates at the other end. Makes it a little hard to read...Is this because I'm using Firefox 2 for mac or is has the system been possessed by Beelzebub?
One of my best friends died yesterday and I couldn't even go to her funeral. She'd been sick for weeks with a combination of TB, pneumonia and a chest infection, all of which she refused to get treated in time because she was afraid of what the doctors would say. I met her in Jogjakarta, and we got along really well right from the start. She was one of those people who you feel instantly comfortable around. Within days of meeting her I was telling her things I'd never told anyone before. ...
The recent visit of the President of Iran brought all the rightwingers out of the woodwork. From between the rocks, from behind fetid toadstools, from the nightmare corners of the suburban landscapes, they came. And they came with one simple message "We come, and we want your babies." It's hard to know whether they're following the example of Mr Swift, or simply enjoy sauteed infant with their dollar bill milkshakes. More salubrious sources suggest people who traditionally lean towards...
Have you seen the latest from the LIBERAL-leaning LEFTY media, with their LIES and blatant HYPOCRISY? Apparently a study in BELGIUM has proved that LIBERALS are AWESOME. Why?It's all quite SIMPLE. The Calpurnia-Octavia INDEX rates the usage of capitalisation in MODERN society. It uses a google-STYLE sweep over TEH intarwebs to discover which words attract THE most capitalisation. According to their LATEST results, the word LIBERAL has been typed as capitals on more than four billio...
Today I went and saw an advance screening for Michael Moore's latest vehicle, Sicko. As far as Moore movies go it wasn't a bad example of the genre - some melodrama, some sticking it to man yee-hah moments, a little additional pathos and some laughs. NOTE: For the hard of thinking I of course add on the obvious rider that he, like most people, believes in truth management. Far be it from me to fail in pointing out the flaws of everyone who considers themselves a mouthpiece. Now that th...
As I think I may have mentioned before, for the last six months or so I've been working for the Man. It's been pretty much a full time job, but with a few classes of uni thrown in just to spice up the mix, and frankly I'm totally over it. Rather than enjoying working in the field for which I'm trained (ASEAN and general international politics analysis) I've instead found it boring, intellectually stifling and a black hole that sucks at my soul. So recently I've started looking for other job...
If recent reports are to be believed (and considering the source it would be remiss to engage in even a moment's doubt) I am anti-American. It's an interesting idea. I'm certainly anti- a lot of things. It's plausible that I would be against Americans. After all, I'm critical of their foreign policy, their domestic policy - damn near everything about their political system bugs me in some way, whether for incompetence, insanity, bloodymindedness or that oh-so-American obsession with myth...
Obesity is something I've never really understood. I come from a long line of skinny people. In my extended family I have one aunt who was at one stage obese, but that was because she was put on meds for a kidney problem and they totally killed her metabolism. Apart from her (and she returned to normal when she was better) no blood relative could ever be described as more than 'stout'. Same goes for my friends. I just don't know any fat people.Of course it could be prejudice; from an early ...
Check this video out and tell me it isn't so: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6MJVzXbqRUBloody Rednecks. Top Gear is one of the best shows on TV; how dare they attack?
Many years ago it became clear to me that God as described by the fundies was unworthy of worship. Don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't believe. It's just that, well, the god of the Christians is frankly an immoral, vicious bastard with the social graces of a praying mantis and a heart as black as coal. I don't claim to know the infinite universe. I don't claim to be a good person. But I do try. So when I hear that the Creator is all for the murder of innocent children, or turns...
If you'd asked me before Christmas where I stood on the whole global warming deal, I probably would have said something like: Well, it seems to be real, so we should probably do something about it. After all, we definitely know the symptoms are real, and we need to do something about them anyway. But for Christmas I received a book. I must confess right from the start that it wasn't a very good book. In fact in terms of literature I would rate it, entertainment-wise, as being somew...
Good is out. No one who's anyone aspires to be a good person anymore. And why would you? As a person of considerable virtue you get absolutely nothing of any value in life. I mean, what do you get? Self-satisfaction? Off-hand I can think of dozens of extremely satisfying but not particularly moral ways of getting a thrill. Freedom from Guilt? As a Catholic I have religious course to Confession, the sinner's greatest boon. Just confess and all that guilt washes away like m...