Tonight Barnaby Joyce was a guest on the Glass House, everyone's favourite ABC news comedy show. In a surprise turn-up for the books he was actually pretty funny. Stand-out performance was when he called Corinne a doormat but he also put up a good defence when interrogated about his positions on the Iraq War. It's always good to see the othe side resort to reason when threatened. It's refreshing in a way that, say, Howard's obfuscation or Fat Bastard's mindless pontificating merely diss...
I've just been watching a few dvds before heading out for new years, and as it happened I just saw one of the ridiculous propaganda ads for the various anti-piracy organisations played as part of the dvd. You know the ones - they say stuff like "You wouldn't steal a car, you wouldn't steal a wallet, you shouldn't buy copyrighted goods" and leave you with the feeling that maybe you should be stealing cars and wallets, because that would at least differentiate you from those anti-fun schmos who...