Dull thoughts on a shiny, shiny world.
cactoblasta's Articles In Religion
January 3, 2005 by cactoblasta
I've got a bit of a question for those few who read what I occasionally write, somewhat in the vein of Mig's Friday Five, but not really (seeing as how there's only one question after all). And it's Tuesday. So really it's nothing at all like Mig's Friday Five, but I'm sure you'll get over it. 1. But anyway, when you die and are mystically (or divinely or whatever adjective you prefer) transferred to the Pearly Gates/giant scales/dismemberment room/whatever to be judged by your deity ...
January 31, 2007 by cactoblasta
Many years ago it became clear to me that God as described by the fundies was unworthy of worship. Don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't believe. It's just that, well, the god of the Christians is frankly an immoral, vicious bastard with the social graces of a praying mantis and a heart as black as coal. I don't claim to know the infinite universe. I don't claim to be a good person. But I do try. So when I hear that the Creator is all for the murder of innocent children, or turns...
February 13, 2008 by cactoblasta
I found a great little analogy on a fellow JUer's blog today. The poster was, of course, KFC, she who kicks for Christ, a professed occupation on which you can be quite sure I entirely deny judgement. Here it is, beloved reader: Sin is likened to yeast. Basically what yeast does is corrupt the dough. That's what would happen if sin is left unchecked. It would eventually spread and all would be affected. This little analogy got me thinking. Firstly, I spent a few moments remembering...