Last week there was a terrorist event 15km from my home. I say event, because while apparently somewhere between 2 and 11 bombs exploded, it happened in the process of catching a terrorist, so realistically it doesn't count as an attack .
The bomber and a handful of his servants, friends family and assorted other hangers-on were killed in the blasts. No one is entirely sure (at least no one I've spoken to) whether these blasts were accidents or deliberate attempts to destroy evidence and get martyred in the process.
But frankly, I don't give a shit. I'm mildly irritated that this happened in a mountain resort I happen to be somewhat fond of (where the hell else are you supposed to pacaran if there gets shut down? Pasuruan? I'd rather do it in the kampung!) but on the whole it doesn't affect my life much at all.
Terrorists are probably not going to be the people who kill you. Ten months in the third world have convinced me of that. With the way these psychos drive (and I admit I drive the same way here) you feel blessed every day when you arrive at a destination with both all limbs intact and only a few scratches on your pushbike/motorbike/car/fragile skin.
Add to that the daily risk of fatal tropical diseases from mosquitoes and exotic food poisoning from the cheerful old woman who runs the salmonella stall down the road and I walk each day totally free from fear. Dying by terrorism seems in comparison a relatively painless and quick way to die compared to Japanese encephalitus or that second bout of dengue.
So as you can see I don't look on terrorism so much as something to be feared but a minor irritation that affects my life in innumerable but small ways. It's the fear from my government that declares repression the only path. It's the requirement that I be searched for explosives when I go to the mall (why on earth would I, a particularly white white boy, want to blow up a mall full of other (in relative terms) excessively wealthy and idle friends and enemies?). It's the requirement that I practically give the customs officer a blow job if I want to enter the US. It's the decision that I'm not allowed to carry my favourite souveneir (a reserved sign more or less 'borrowed' from a local club) on the plane cos it has a sharp edge unless I put it in with my clothes, which it would likely shred.
In short, terrorism is a pain in the arse. Sure, there's a chance it can be fatal, and if you're prepared to carry around a ring-shaped pillow of tyranny you can avoid practically all bad side-effects, but in the end I'd rather just go to the doctor and treat the cause and not just the symptoms.
A cause!?!, I imagine you exclaiming in a voice not unlike that of Caroline Tran in her classic "Me??? Overact??? I don't know what you're talking about!!!" moment, how could there possibly be a cause? These men and women are animals, beasts, the serpent in our beds etc etc.
Well fear not fellow lover of overreacting, I'm not going to preach the whateverhood of humanity or something flowery like that. Instead I'd just like to lay down a few minor opinions of mine. Don't worry, I may not be entirely serious, so take it in the form of a joke if you feel a hernia coming on.
1. Poverty. We all know that poverty causes an increase in crime figures, particularly the incidence of violent crime. In a bygone error young people of both leisure and business like ourselves would have attributed such a thing to the innate criminality of peasants. Today we call it laziness and/or drugs and/or 'bad homes' (a fantastic euphamism by the way; says nothing but conveys the most amazingly useful negative emotional judgements) and/or weak minds/poor genes/schooling/whatever fills the journals of the time that is equally entertaining but pointless.
Frankly I don't give a shit as to the why; the simple fact is when a country slips into increasing poverty you see increases in crime, whether that inflicted by the government (police state anyone?) or the people (viva la give me a frickin piece of bread so my brat don't starve, guvn'r, or I'll stab you with this rusty nail!).
Cut down on poverty in the third world and the amateur and poorly informed sociologist in me would suspect that crime rates would be reduced too. Cut crime rates and even traditionally white-collar crimes, like strapping explosives to yourself and running into crowded places with a song on your lips and heresy in your heart, should decline. Note the should. I'm an amateur, not a greenhouse gases expert.
2. Boredom. Admittedly most people don't turn to killing people just because they can no longer find any amusement to be had from a stick and a tire, but if there's one thing the modern world has shown, it's that it's amazingly easy to divert a child's attention with new toys. With plenty of toys (the Romans called them circuses, but then they also wore skirts so copying them in all circumstances doesn't really float my boat) we should see a reduction in willingness to do, well, anything productive or destructive.
Why blow yourself up when GTA: Child Sex Offender in MurderTown offers you an entire city to level/impregnate/slaughter complete with tinny little screams and a flame thrower that sounds just like that can of deodorant you lit the end of in high school?
Anyway I really can't be bothered finishing the list so that's my opinion to date. Terrorism ain't important, it ain't special, but if we really insist on looking at it we may as well do something about it, and that means looking at it a little more subtly than screaming good and evil and having a particularly charming grin, or having a hairstyle that screams "The 1970s won't die til you kill me" and saying that world peace can only be achieved through turning the other cheek.
We can be aggressively peaceful or blissfully ambivalent as long as we doublethink adroitly, but we can only be effective if we care enough to look at causes as well as symptoms.
Thank you for your time.