To whom it may concern
I have no interest in your green cards. You spam me mercilessly with advertisements and emails declaring that I fulfil the requirements for your godforsaken treats, but I have no interest. Firstly, I am not in any way interested in moving to the US. I can't imagine how it could be any better than my homeland, and struggle to imagine how working there could be any more relaxed or satisfying than what I do at the moment.
And yet still you write to me, pleading. Whilst I am aware that the requirements are apparently simple (You live in Australia - you qualify! Click here to accept your green card!) I feel sure that your constant blandishments must surely come close to contravening Australian truth-in-advertising laws. For a country apparently concerned with the problems of spam, the constant evidence in my inbox bears brightly coloured testimony to your hypocrisy.
As you are a global superpower and I am just a humble Australian peasant I imagine there's not much I can do about it. But I'd appreciate it if you'd just shut the fuck up.
Thank you,