In recent times I think we've all grown aware that there seems to be a thriving trade in insults on the political pages of Joe User. From the Right's stock phrases "Go back and look at Clinton" and "loony loopy/lopopy luddite" (Drs. Guy et Miler, 2005) to the leftist's "shut up you ignorant moron" and vitriolbot (Myrrander et al, various), I think JU is seeing a renaissance in insults not seen since the height of the pre-election fervour.
I for one applaud it. I think it's time for everyone to embrace their inner child and indulge in the good, honest fun of political name-calling. It's unimaginably cathartic. Take the death of real discussion in the style of your political foes, and let trivial disputes overwhelm your preference for unnecessary reasoned argument.
Spread the love and the word of JU as it were. With past masters like < name censored >, < name censored >, < name censored >, < name censored > and others to lead us into the dawn of this exciting new day all we have to lose are our inhibitions and our minds.
And in a world of giant waves and dancing robots, that's a small price to pay for peace of (fractured) mind.