Dull thoughts on a shiny, shiny world.
Published on January 22, 2009 By cactoblasta In US Domestic

There seems to be a bit of a jealous streak running through the JU commentary on Obama these past few days. What's up with it?

The man is clearly clever. He has an Ivy League education. He rose to the top of a political institution. He writes good speeches and hires good speechwriters. He has a good understanding of technology and hires people capable of using it for fun and profit.

The man is clearly athletically gifted. He plays basketball frequently and is probably the fittest (both in the British and generic sense of the word) president in a long time. Speaking of the British sense, he has a hot wife and (unsurprisingly) a ready smile. Many men and women either want him or want to be him.

The man is clearly charismatic. Many of his followers seem to think he's the second coming of Jesus. His religious detractors consider him so charming that not only will he bring peace to the world, but armageddon too.

He speaks of hope, of dreams found and lives made meaningful again without the fear and drudgery of the past, and he does it with all the force of narrative causality.

It's normal to be jealous of this kind of man - rich, successful, charming, canny, the kind of man who speaks as if he thinks you can achieve your dreams and, more than that, wants you to.

But really, you're not doing yourself any favours by slagging him off mere days after he was inaugurated. With a bit of patience, you could do the nasty when he's fucked up, and crowing about it could be read by the kind as just a slightly enthusiastic taking to task rather than jealousy of Michelle.

In short, he may well be better than you in every way the public considers important. Get over it. You have many fine qualities which both differentiate yourself from a popular icon and give you an edge in your specialities. I might even like you.

Just sit back, and wait for the bad things to happen before you go in with both fists swinging. You never know. Maybe Obama will save you. It's not like you've got anyone else to fall back on if he can't.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jan 22, 2009

Just sit back, and wait for the bad things to happen before you go in with both fists swinging. You never know. Maybe Obama will save you. It's not like you've got anyone else to fall back on if he can't.

Oh, I didn't know the chosen one had the power to "save" us.

on Jan 22, 2009

Oh, I didn't know the chosen one had the power to "save" us.

I doubt he does. But he might. Two days in it's a little hard to tell just yet. The problem with mounting a successful assault on the worthiness of hope is that it's such an essentially positive human emotion.

You're much better off waiting until Obama's policies have proven themselves to be cynical, rather than striking now when they're still so tied up with hope.

on Jan 22, 2009

Ivy League?  Seems the last several presidents have that claim.

Writes speeches?  And you have proof of that (versus hiring good speech writers?)

Bottom line, I dont see a lot of jealousy.  ANimosity perhaps.  Contempt Perhaps.  But as far as I know, there are no former presidential candidates blogging at JU.

He has yet to show any brilliance.  He has an opportunistic resume aimed at one thing - where he is.  That shows tenacity and cleverness, but not brilliance.

on Jan 22, 2009

First let me say I do not envy President Obama. I, personally, would not want the responsibilities he currently has as President of the US or the problems he inherited for that matter. I do not envy his financial situation either. If I even found myself having as much money as he does (or close) I would probably be happy to be able to buy what ever I wanted (well almost what ever) but at the same time I have seen what having lots of money also means and am not too sure being a millionaire is something I want to be. I would be happy with making just enough to have my needs in place and enough for some wants. I don't need a million dollar house or a 2010 Ferrari.

Regardless what you want to say about Obama, he is no better or worse than me. As far as the Costitution goes we are Equals. Obama is not my savior and I don't expect him to be cause unlike you, I expect myself to be responsible for saving myself and those I am responsible for (such as my chidlren).

You're much better off waiting until Obama's policies have proven themselves to be cynical, rather than striking now when they're still so tied up with hope.

Ever heard of "better safe than sorry"? Obama is not testing a new startegy, he is considering policies that have been proven to be bad in certain situations. You concept is very interesting. lets wait for disaster to happen before we do something about it to prevent it, right?

on Jan 22, 2009

I really enjoy how Obama people go around using the word "hope".  If you rely on a politician from Chicago to give you "hope", you are truely pathetic.

on Jan 22, 2009

Jealous?  Us?  Just because we're not on board with him that makes us jealous?  Do you know the definition of jealousy? 

How about fearful?  Troubled?  Watchful? Unhappy?  Those are the descriptions I hear most often. 

In fact when I ask people what they think of Obama the #1 comment I hear most often is:

"Obama scares me." 

I have yet to see this brilliance you speak of.  How did he do on his test scores?  Do you know what his collgege thesis was on?    Where is his family? Those that are still alive that is.  Why are they trying to disassociate with him?  Do you know about his half brother in  Southern China?  His name is Mark Ndesandjo and has purposely kept it a secret that he's related to Obama?   Why is that? 

Too many unanswered questions for me.   

on Jan 22, 2009

Quite the contrary - what I've noticed is an extraordinarily arrogant streak among the Obama supporters.  The dude hasn't achieved diddly squat except get elected and he's the Black Lincoln already.  Oprah can afford her tears of joy; the rest of us may have a tougher time paying for them.

on Jan 22, 2009


on Jan 22, 2009

Lack of experience?  I dunno call me crazy but I think this is important.

on Jan 22, 2009

Besides, dissent is our patriotic duty, right?  You've (the left) been telling us that for 8 years now.

on Jan 22, 2009

Cacto- I hear you. Obama could turn out to be great or rotten, it's simply too early to tell. As I was saying on another thread I was very pro-Bush during the 1st year and a bit  he was in office,  however once I saw the results of his actions and style of leadership I soured on him (and his brand of conservative politics) big time.

Again, the proof will be in the pudding- let's see the results of Obama's actions and then pass judgement.

Hanging on every little thing he does under a microscope right now is actually pretty funny- just think the field day folks would have if he was even 1/10 as bad as Bush was with his speeches-

"There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again."

and this gem-

"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."

"Too many good docs are getting out of the business. Too many OB-GYNs aren't able to practice their love with women all across this country."

I'd love to see the reaction from all the grumpy pants on here if Obama said anything even close to the above!

on Jan 22, 2009

Hanging on every little thing he does under a microscope right now is actually pretty funny

on Jan 22, 2009

I'd love to see the reaction from all the grumpy pants on here if Obama said anything even close to the above!

You mean like 57 states?  Things like that?  BO can be pretty funny without a teleprompter or when off script.  Plenty of YouTube clips out there from the campaign.  They just weren't afforded the same significance as George's malapropisms - for George, they were confirmation of stupidity (never mind he was the most evil genius ever when that claim was useful); for BO, they were just harmless or fatigue-related and entirely forgivable flubs, endearing reminders of his common humanity.

on Jan 22, 2009

I'd love to see the reaction from all the grumpy pants on here if Obama said anything even close to the above!

well let's just start with the oath of office shall we?  To my knowledge none of us "grumpy pants" have even mentioned that. 

Who doesn't make mistakes especially with the amount of speeches made like they have to give?  It doesn't matter if the President is a smooth talker if he can't keep us safe.  Words mean nothing if there is no action to back them up with.  Bush kept us safe.  Let's see if Obama, the smooth talker can keep us safe. 

The media is in LOVE with Obama and Michelle.  We all know how love is blind don't we? 

There's nothing they can do wrong as far as the media are concerned.   Remember the flap about Sarah and her clothing style and pricing?   The media did a number on her.  Why?  Because she was perceived as a real threat and her party affiliation did not match that of the liberal media. 

 Now compare the criticism of Sarah to all we heard the last few days about Michelle and her designer clothes. 

That's just the tip of the iceburg. 


on Jan 22, 2009

I for one person am willing to give Obama a change and see what he does, before cheering or booing, I think everyone should thinks in the same manner.

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