Dull thoughts on a shiny, shiny world.
Published on January 22, 2009 By cactoblasta In US Domestic

There seems to be a bit of a jealous streak running through the JU commentary on Obama these past few days. What's up with it?

The man is clearly clever. He has an Ivy League education. He rose to the top of a political institution. He writes good speeches and hires good speechwriters. He has a good understanding of technology and hires people capable of using it for fun and profit.

The man is clearly athletically gifted. He plays basketball frequently and is probably the fittest (both in the British and generic sense of the word) president in a long time. Speaking of the British sense, he has a hot wife and (unsurprisingly) a ready smile. Many men and women either want him or want to be him.

The man is clearly charismatic. Many of his followers seem to think he's the second coming of Jesus. His religious detractors consider him so charming that not only will he bring peace to the world, but armageddon too.

He speaks of hope, of dreams found and lives made meaningful again without the fear and drudgery of the past, and he does it with all the force of narrative causality.

It's normal to be jealous of this kind of man - rich, successful, charming, canny, the kind of man who speaks as if he thinks you can achieve your dreams and, more than that, wants you to.

But really, you're not doing yourself any favours by slagging him off mere days after he was inaugurated. With a bit of patience, you could do the nasty when he's fucked up, and crowing about it could be read by the kind as just a slightly enthusiastic taking to task rather than jealousy of Michelle.

In short, he may well be better than you in every way the public considers important. Get over it. You have many fine qualities which both differentiate yourself from a popular icon and give you an edge in your specialities. I might even like you.

Just sit back, and wait for the bad things to happen before you go in with both fists swinging. You never know. Maybe Obama will save you. It's not like you've got anyone else to fall back on if he can't.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jan 22, 2009

awesome clip Kryo.  Loved it! 

on Jan 22, 2009

I for one person am willing to give Obama a change and see what he does, before cheering or booing, I think everyone should thinks in the same manner.

I'm all for it, but the truth is President Obama has already made some interesting choices that the Media has not really been pounding on. Take the Secretary of Treasury pick. The guys failed to pay for 4 years, claiming he should have paid attention more to what he was signing. Funny when he claims to have used a computer program the first 2 years than a a professional to do his taxes and , well what a coincidence, they both failed, not once but twice each. BTW, did I mention this is the same guy who will be controling (or something like that) the IRS? I wonder what would have happend to those $34,000 had no one found out about it?

on Jan 22, 2009

I really enjoy how Obama people go around using the word "hope".  If you rely on a politician from Chicago to give you "hope", you are truely pathetic.

The previous president told the world it should cower in fear, that terrorists were everywhere. I like seeing a politician appealing to the better nature of people. It's a refreshing change. His background is utterly irrelevant to that.

In fact when I ask people what they think of Obama the #1 comment I hear most often is:

"Obama scares me."

Considering how badly McCain lost, you must have a very limited circle of friends. You need to get out more - befriend some Obamanists and get a feel for them beyond the politics. It won't condemn you to hell if you know some atheists/non-practising folk.

Quite the contrary - what I've noticed is an extraordinarily arrogant streak among the Obama supporters.  The dude hasn't achieved diddly squat except get elected and he's the Black Lincoln already.  Oprah can afford her tears of joy; the rest of us may have a tougher time paying for them.

The confidence he's bringing is important. The current financial crisis is still a crisis of confidence; if the Obama messiah complex can cause people to consider it over, the US economy would be restored. Modern economics is built on faith, and Obama seems to inspire it in spades. That's a useful ability right now. What he will use it for is another question.

Again, the proof will be in the pudding- let's see the results of Obama's actions and then pass judgement.


On the Bush/Obama speech mistakes thing - I suspect Bush stands out more because he's Texan, and much of the world considers that accent to be innately tied to bucolic stupidity. When Bush mispoke he merely reinforced an existing perception and stereotype. The Chicago accent is more of a northern one, which doesn't have the stigma of obnoxious New Yorker or idiot southerner.

Of course, this isn't an area of sociolinguistics I'm particularly familiar with, so I could be completely wrong.

I for one person am willing to give Obama a change and see what he does, before cheering or booing, I think everyone should thinks in the same manner.

Good on you Modman.

on Jan 22, 2009

Considering how badly McCain lost

Short memory, apparently.  He hardly lost 'badly' my friend.

you must have a very limited circle of friends.

Yeah, 58 million friends just ain't what it used to be.

on Jan 22, 2009

You need to get out more - befriend some Obamanists and get a feel for them beyond the politics.

not exactly, even my grandmother who is a die hard Dem voted for Obama but doesn't like him.  She actually thinks he could be the Anti-Christ.  When I asked her why she voted for him she says she didn't really.  She just voted straight Democratic Ticket.....so not so much for him but for the ticket. 

Considering how badly McCain lost

Short memory, apparently. He hardly lost 'badly' my friend.

Exactly.  I saw a post election map marked county by county across the U.S. and by looking at it there was much more red than blue.   If someone from Mars were to look down and make a prediction looking at the very red map they would have been quite surprised to see an Obama win. 


on Jan 22, 2009

Wow Cacto your article sounds like most of the "objective, unbiased" media here in the US. I think if Obama asked the press corp for a hummer, most of them would be fighting each other to see who could get his zipper down first.

No person on earth gets my support with campaign promises and speeches. I never understood the idol mentality in the sense of people fainting around pop stars, or actors.  My father is my hero along with a few select people I've met along the way. If Obama has you creaming your jeans, that's wonderful. It take more than what I've seen so far to impress me.

on Jan 22, 2009

Give the Daily Show credit - Bushwhackers to Obamawhackers overnite.  Great bit.  Thanks, kryo.

on Jan 22, 2009

You guys really need to get out more and see what the people in our country are going through.  If they see Obama as the person who can gontinue to give them the hope that they are looking for and telling them positively that their lives doesn't end despite what so many are going through, who are you to come in with your pessimistic outlook and tell them otherwise?  Let us not forget how many detractors President Bush had in the beginning, and yet they gave him a chance to see what he would and could do, and of course he proved some right because he messed up in some ways.  Im sure you will all be crowing when Obama messes up, no one is perfect, so give Cacto props he wrote a really great article   for being an outsider looking in and telling it with a dose of reality!

on Jan 23, 2009

Short memory, apparently.  He hardly lost 'badly' my friend.

I don't recall a recount, or it being decided in the courts. In terms of recent US presidential elections, it was practically a landslide. But yes, in more normal terms it wasn't so much a bad loss as a convincing one.

Yeah, 58 million friends just ain't what it used to be.

Oh come on. You can't seriously tell me that you don't count among your friends people whose politics wildly differ from your own, including a couple who might support Obama. If everyone you know is 'scared' of Obama, you need more friends. I'd like to think my friends don't share a single emotional response to any issue, let alone elections.

If someone from Mars were to look down and make a prediction looking at the very red map they would have been quite surprised to see an Obama win.

Well yes, but I imagine they would be even more surprised to see that Earthlings had made northern America viewable as a political map from space.

No person on earth gets my support with campaign promises and speeches. I never understood the idol mentality in the sense of people fainting around pop stars, or actors.  My father is my hero along with a few select people I've met along the way. If Obama has you creaming your jeans, that's wonderful. It take more than what I've seen so far to impress me.

Wonderful. Your dad makes you cream your jeans. Incest is one of many, many topics I have no desire to get google search referrals from. So bugger off.

If they see Obama as the person who can gontinue to give them the hope that they are looking for and telling them positively that their lives doesn't end despite what so many are going through, who are you to come in with your pessimistic outlook and tell them otherwise?

Exactly. Hope is the cheapest upper around. I wish I had more of it.

on Jan 23, 2009

BO can be pretty funny without a teleprompter or when off script.

Funny?  Ummm, uhhh, ahhh, umm, ahh, uhh, umm, uhh, ahh, uhh, ahh, ummm.......

That is funny?

I don't recall a recount, or it being decided in the courts

But you recall one in 04?  Or are you just a Gorite?  I dont recall one in 64 (big), 68, 72 (that one was huge), 76, 80 (another landslide electorally), 84 (huge), 88, 92, or 96.  I would say you have a very limited memory.  I cant say I remember any before 64, as I was too young or not born.

on Jan 23, 2009

No person on earth gets my support with campaign promises and speeches. I never understood the idol mentality in the sense of people fainting around pop stars, or actors. My father is my hero along with a few select people I've met along the way. If Obama has you creaming your jeans, that's wonderful. It take more than what I've seen so far to impress me.
Wonderful. Your dad makes you cream your jeans. Incest is one of many, many topics I have no desire to get google search referrals from. So bugger off.

Tell ya what, I'll bugger off, when you solve all the problems in Australia first. Are there too many liberals there that they need to swoon over this president? If people of other nations worried half as much about their own leaders as they do about the US, the world would be a better place. Tell me, how many people in the US do you think even know your prime ministers name? Why? Because for the most part they don't care. I like Australia, was there in 82, lots of "friendly" people (what is your mom's name?), but I'm uninterested in its politics, that said,don't you have a Brittany Spears or Jonas Brothers fan club to gush over? G'day mate.

on Jan 23, 2009

I'd like to think my friends don't share a single emotional response to any issue, let alone elections.

I know they're not strictly speaking all your friends, but the left here pretty much shared a single emontional response to Bush's election - hatred.

I don't recall a recount, or it being decided in the courts. In terms of recent US presidential elections, it was practically a landslide. But yes, in more normal terms it wasn't so much a bad loss as a convincing one.

Had 4-5% of voters gone the other way, we'd very likely be talking about President McCain (gotta allow for that EC thing).  That's not what I'd call a landslide, but relativism is a way of life for the left.

on Jan 23, 2009

Had 4-5% of voters gone the other way, we'd very likely be talking about President McCain (gotta allow for that EC thing). That's not what I'd call a landslide, but relativism is a way of life for the left

Well, since we're all having fun being petty I want in too! This election was actually the widest margin in favor of one candidate since the 1996 election.

-popular vote-

2008-  Dem: 52.9% Rep: 45.7% (7.2 % margin in favor of Dem)

2004- Dem: 48.3% Rep: 50.7% (2.4 % margin in favor of Rep)

2000- Dem: 48.4% Rep: 47.9% (0.5 % margin in favor of Dem, Rep won on electoral college/supreme court decision stopping florida recount and granting presidency)

1996- Dem: 49.2% Rep: 40.7% (8.5 % margin in favor of Dem)

1992- Dem: 43% Rep: 37% Floppy-ears: 18.9% (6 % in favor of Dem)

1988- Dem: 45.6 % Rep: 53.4% (7.8 % in favor or Rep)

on Jan 23, 2009

granting presidency

on Jan 23, 2009

LOL.  This is a wonderfully ironic article.

Apparently there were a LOT of people jealous of Bush then...

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