Are Muslims the Jews of the 21st century?
The image of Islam, this immense and diverse faith, has been of the robed and bearded man, rifle in one hand, Qu'ran in the other, a bomb around his waist and hate in his eyes. They are everywhere, and their diabolical hand can be seen in every disaster. They are poisoning water supplies, raping white women, using their loathed petrodollars to take over our businesses and corrupt our governments. The only possible response has been decried unto the masses, and they shout their slogans with glee - seek them in the dark places, find them all and in the darkness show them the meaning of justice. "Find them in their holes," exclaims the head of one of the world's largest nations. "Make them suffer like I have suffered," screams the wife of the murdered businessman, lost to the strike against the World Trade Centre. "They took my job," complains the outsourced labourer whose company shifted operations to Indonesia.
Does any of this sound familiar? It should. The Nazis used much of the same propaganda against the Jews. "Abominations". "Scheming monsters". "They're not like us". MAKE THEM PAY FOR WHAT I HAVE SUFFERED.
Who is really the demon here? The innocents lost in the wreaking of veangeance, or the ones who say that a civilian casualty is merely "collateral damage"? It's a question that with luck we will never have to face.