Dull thoughts on a shiny, shiny world.
something something something don't say maybe
Published on May 4, 2007 By cactoblasta In Politics
If recent reports are to be believed (and considering the source it would be remiss to engage in even a moment's doubt) I am anti-American.

It's an interesting idea. I'm certainly anti- a lot of things. It's plausible that I would be against Americans. After all, I'm critical of their foreign policy, their domestic policy - damn near everything about their political system bugs me in some way, whether for incompetence, insanity, bloodymindedness or that oh-so-American obsession with mythical 'rights' to the exclusion of all else.

But is that really all there is to America?

I hadn't thought so. But apparently it is. American film, TV, music, style and a certain charming naivete are, I suppose, not included in the American concept of self.

You see I have a confession to make - I really, really like American culture. Don't get me wrong - the gun fetishes and the curious obsession with unintelligible gangsters and trailer trash don't really make much sense to me outside of the arena that was Jerry Springer. I find it practically impossible to imagine a place in which such people could flourish. I mean it's like with a nature doco - you see rats or some other odd creature doing weird and/or disturbing things, and the only way you can explain it is "It's a rat, it's not doing this in my world". That's how I feel about Jerry Springer Americans. They just don't seem fully human, if you understand what I'm saying - I couldn't imagine seeing them on the street, for example, or going to the supermarket, or sitting next to me in a pub.

So maybe that's a symptom of my anti-Americanism. I dunno. But what is clear is that there is lots of American things I love. South Park, for one, and the society that despite seemingly espousing a deep and bitter loathing for everything South Park represents (subtlety, humour at the expense of prats etc) nonetheless will fight for its right to keep going. I like Fox News. It's so unbelievably absurd. I mean, have you seen the opening for their show about blogging, with those two chicks slamming their fingers on the keyboard in a highly embarrassing attempt to seem 'wi' it'? 24 hours of solid gold all day every day. Oh, and whilst 90% of American live TV shows are awful the remainder are brilliant and more than make up for their crippled and loathsome brethren.

Then there's American music. The US has so many amazing bands. I won't bother to list them.

American styling - So many of the things I use in daily life are based off American designs and concepts. It would be impossible to describe just how much.

So if culturally you like a nation, but politically you think it is, at best, a dangerously unthinking barbarian, does that make you anti-it? I guess so.

It's a shame, but I suppose I should look on the brightside - if I can be anti- the things and places I like, then it's going to be much easier to put together the amalgamation of prejudices and loathings that make a truly masculine man.

And that is all anyone could ever want.

Comments (Page 2)
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on May 05, 2007
You mean all Australians aren't a bunch of ignorant blokes who catch crocs? I mean, the ones that aren't thieves?

If you ask any Australian they'll tell you that no one got sent to Australia for stealing anything other than bread. It's a matter of national pride that we weren't real criminals, honest, guv'.

As for the crocs, well, everyone needs a hobby. And you've got to admit it's more manly than prancing around in skintight lycra pants and body armour a la NFL.

If you see the removal of Saddam and the attempt of creating a democratic state as being a villainous thing then yea, you're anti-American.

I think you can question the motives of the US without being anti-American. The entire American school of international political thought is based on the idea of self-interest and only doing what is directly beneficial to the US. If the US did anything else it would be a surprise. Oftentimes it's beneficial to the world, but that's not necessarily the case.

Australia, after all, has the most successful track record of any nation in the world of actually successfully commiting racial genocide. The American Indians, Rwanda, heck even Hitler are pikers by comparison to the blokes in Australia.

For sure. We reduced a population in the millions to under 200,000 (there are no good records of aboriginal population pre- their addition to the electoral rolls in the 60s, but estimates say they dropped that far). The entire native population of Tasmania was put to disease and the rifle. Early white and asian Australians were not nice people.

Dangerous barbarians are the engine of history.

Progress is just a way of making bad things happen faster. (you got a cliche comeback there?)

but i like killing toads...

I've always preferred an oversized PW. You just don't get the loft to clear the fence with anything else.
on May 05, 2007
I think we'd all be less Anti-Anything if we could just be more open minded to other ways of life...and not take our ways as the end-all, be-all.

I dunno. Truly open-minded people tend to be a bit boring. I think it's a human flaw to find interest in conflict. If we got rid of it I think humanity as a whole would waste away.
on May 06, 2007
I've always preferred an oversized PW. You just don't get the loft to clear the fence with anything else.

My own preference is a cricket bat, i figure they are about the same size as a cricket ball. and it makes a satisfying noise if you middle it. But I have nothing to do with what happened to Baz:

WWW Link

And aborigini, too!

yes but they tend to jump out of the way when you swerve at them with your car, unlike toads which will even wait patiently for you to reverse after missing them the first time.
on May 06, 2007
The entire American school of international political thought is based on the idea of self-interest and only doing what is directly beneficial to the US.

tell that to all of those people we help when there is a natural disaster

like indonesia and the tidal wave a couple of years ago

did you know that the carrier group that showed up there
was ordered there by the group commander(this would be the admiral in command on the carrier) before the fleet order came in

think you can question the motives of the US without being anti-American.


on May 06, 2007
tell that to all of those people we help when there is a natural disaster

Huh? What does that have to do with the articles published in the American Political Science Review or any of the other journals which push neo-realist, neo-liberal or neo-conservative viewpoints, each of which is predicated on the necessity for self-interested action?

I'm talking about thought-worlds, danny, not actions. I would have thought a young gentleman with your self-stated 'high IQ' would understand that.
on May 06, 2007
? What does that have to do with the articles published in the American Political Science Review or any of the other journals

sorry i misunderstood thought you were talking about americans not journals sorry

i missed part of your statement
on May 07, 2007

sorry i misunderstood thought you were talking about americans not journals sorry

I was talking about intellectual thought, something you are apparently extremely fond of. Journal articles are merely a way of measuring what American policy-makers are being taught to think.
on May 07, 2007

Australia, after all, has the most successful track record of any nation in the world of actually successfully commiting racial genocide. The American Indians, Rwanda, heck even Hitler are pikers by comparison to the blokes in Australia.

I would have to say that New Zealand is in the running for that title as well.  But I think it is less an Aussie thing than an English one as its colonies seem to have the worst track record in their HISTORY.

No civilization is pure.  Some of the native North American tribes practiced a pretty good form of genocide as well.  Along with the Mayans, Incans, Aztecs and Toltecs.

But more to the point, I think that looking at Hollywood (if that is an indication of American "culture") is like the aliens in Galaxy Quest.  You will make a BIG mistake about America from films.

on May 07, 2007
And here I was ready to take "Quigly Down Under" as the final word on what Aussies are like. ;~D

I like meatpies but hate vegimite, so I guess we're both in a cross culture, love/hate thing. :~D
on May 07, 2007

I would have to say that New Zealand is in the running for that title as well. But I think it is less an Aussie thing than an English one as its colonies seem to have the worst track record in their HISTORY.

Really? Didn't the white settlers sign a peace treaty with the Maoris which pretty much gave them political rights from the offset?
on May 07, 2007
Really? Didn't the white settlers sign a peace treaty with the Maoris which pretty much gave them political rights from the offset?

History is written by the victors. Perhaps it is time to dig a little deeper? WWW Link

Treaties that are not honored are worse than no treaties at all.
on May 07, 2007
History is written by the victors. Perhaps it is time to dig a little deeper?

Did you even read that? Normally an abstract is just a rough guide to what the article is going to be about, but this one starts with saying the genocide claims are unproven and then goes on from there.

From what the article goes on to say I guess you could argue for cultural genocide and general theft of land, but personally I find that less objectionable than wholesale slaughter. Each to their own though. In comparison to other native peoples like the aborigines or the native Americans (what's the euphemism de rigour these days for that ethnic group?) I think they came off pretty well.

Scattered, disenfranchised, second-class - sure. Exterminated beyond a hope of resurgence a la Tasmanians or the Cimbri in ancient Europe? No. Maori culture lives on and is even on the rise. The success of shows like Brotown is evidence of that.

Oh, and as for your second claim -

That's a load of pretentious middle-class bullshit. What hole from the ground did you slither out of to get off on saying that 'broken treaties are worse than no treaties? You've obviously never been in a situation where you negotiate knowing that regardless of the final agreement you'll not get it all. In such a situation even a partially broken agreement has great value for the simple fact that it protects even a single right. It makes a fight for justice a matter of making the agreement enforced rather than trying to set one up from scratch.
on May 07, 2007
That's a load of pretentious middle-class bullshit. What hole from the ground did you slither out of to get off on saying that 'broken treaties are worse than no treaties? You've obviously never been in a situation where you negotiate knowing that regardless of the final agreement you'll not get it all. In such a situation even a partially broken agreement has great value for the simple fact that it protects even a single right. It makes a fight for justice a matter of making the agreement enforced rather than trying to set one up from scratch.

Sorry, just the same old bullshit. No middle class involved. (BTW: It was one of many sources, and I did read it). No treaty means you fight until you force a compromise. A treaty never meaning to be kept is just a delaying action until one side can exterminate the other. Sorry to burst your bubble, but that is the truth of history. Dont like it? Fine, create your own treaty. But to deny the evidence of history is to be doomed to repeat the past mistakes.

Your bullshit is in even trying to justify it.

From what the article goes on to say I guess you could argue for cultural genocide and general theft of land, but personally I find that less objectionable than wholesale slaughter.

Really? So I take it you cant stand the New Hampshire Motto of "Live free or die"? Fortunately, most of the epic struggles, whether victorious or not, have been about people trying to do just that. Especially in this country. But then I guess that is one thing you did not learn by watching the latest hollywood tripe and forming your erroneous opinion about America.

You can say whatever you want, and that is your valid opinion. But I see that no one else in your book can have an opinion that is not in lock step with yours, for then it is only Bullshit.

Sorry if I dont subscribe to your bullshit philosophy.
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