Dull thoughts on a shiny, shiny world.
Published on March 9, 2007 By cactoblasta In Current Events
Obesity is something I've never really understood. I come from a long line of skinny people. In my extended family I have one aunt who was at one stage obese, but that was because she was put on meds for a kidney problem and they totally killed her metabolism. Apart from her (and she returned to normal when she was better) no blood relative could ever be described as more than 'stout'. Same goes for my friends. I just don't know any fat people. Of course it could be prejudice; from an early age I've been raised to view obesity as a personality flaw, an immediate warning flag that the sufferer completely lacks any kind of self-respect or self-discipline. But as I grow older I've begun to doubt that. Sure, many tubby people are a little softer than others, but then again no one likes a hardcase. So what's the problem? In my head I've got a switch - once I've put on a few kilos I recognise it pretty quickly and make sure I do more gym time than normal to make up for it. Do the obese never notice how they've changed? Do they instinctively blame others and the environment for their failures (Eddie Murphy's best movie in years, Norbit, makes reference to that with the flat-falling car jokes)? Basically, what the hell is behind it? Do people just not care? Enlighten me, fellow seekers of wisdom. Tell me why obese is increasingly considered okay. What am I not seeing?
Comments (Page 2)
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on Mar 09, 2007
I am considered borderline obese, yet the funny thing is, I go to the gym every freaking day, for about two hours. (Ok, I only go 6 days a week. Everyone needs a break) I can out last many of the "skinny" people at the gym. I can lift more, run faster, and run longer.

I'm slowly losing weight, but it is extremely difficult. Besides the fact that I think my fat is just plain stubborn, I've had some problems with food in the past: I'm a severe emotional eater. I eat when I'm bored, when I'm lonely, when I'm happy and when I'm sad. Food is a reward. Food is comfort. Food is a band-aid. It takes a lot of control to not eat when I'm not hungry.

The thing is, most people don't consider how hard it is to avoid eating. Think about it: alcoholics avoid alcohol. They don't go to bars, they avoid situations that will bring them in contact with alcohol. Gamblers don't go to casinos or horse tracks. Someone who is addicted to food can't avoid food. You have to eat to live. We have to face food three times a day. Food is everywhere and at everything.

It takes a lot to control yourself when you are addicted to something. There are times when all I want to do is eat. I'll find myself in the kitchen looking in the fridge and think, "How did I end up here?" I don't even remember going to the fridge.

I could be at a healthy weight. I know I could, even though I've never been there. It's taking a lot of work to stop my eating problems, and even more work at the gym. So far, I've lost 25 lbs... but I've still got a long way to go.
on Mar 09, 2007
SHE: I saw a pic of you a while back and I thought you were a total hottie!
on Mar 09, 2007
on Mar 09, 2007
SHE: I saw a pic of you a while back and I thought you were a total hottie!

Thanks. *blushing* Be that as it may, I'm a size 16 hottie. Even though I'm 5'8", that's still a bad size to be.
on Mar 09, 2007
SHE congrats on the weight loss so far, just don't give up!

Tex you're a riot!!

I can relate to the emotional eating because I'm one too. I've been learning to undo that side of my persona and so far it's working, in that I don't use food as my crutch anymore. I've been working out on and off and on and off and it's a constant battle but I do understand SHE.

BTW Whip, Martin Lawrence did the Big Momma movies. I haven't seen Norbit, I'll wait for it to go on Cable. I know it will be funny because it's Eddie but I'm tired of the fat jokes too. I'll still laugh though!!

I watched a show last night, actually it was from the BBC and it showed three (or four?) people who were morbidly obese....we're talking over 700 pounds one of them and what they go through in their daily lives.

I guess it's up to the individual and what's going on thier lives and how they view themselves and their world, whether it's important being thin and living up to an ideal. Being healthy and in good shape, even if it's not pefect shape, is the best way to be.

Sorry, didn't mean to drone on!
on Mar 10, 2007
SHE congrats on the weight loss so far, just don't give up!

Since I've actually seen results this time, I feel like continuing. I think the hardest part is writing down all the things I eat. I just forget to do it sometimes. It's still hard to go to dinner, look at all the food and say, "No. I am full now. I don't need to eat any more... no matter how good it tastes." not to mention the "Ok, I've studied for a long time now, and I need a break. Oooh! Popcorn. And a soda. And then something sweet..." Now, I try to take a walk, get some water, do anything other than eat.

It's just good to hear that someone else understands.

I used to look at fat people and think, "Good grief. Stop eating."

I'm not huge by any means, but I fear this look from people. I feel like if I do get dessert, the waiter is thinking, "Like you need it." The fear of people looking at me like this caused me to eat in secret. I don't go into fast food joints, because I don't want people looking at me. I eat in my room so I don't have to worry about people criticizing what I eat. It also depressed me which, big surprise, made me eat more.

I say this to ask something of the skinny folk. When you see an plus-sized person to an obese person eating... try not to look at them with disgust on your face. Even if you think you're hiding it, we can be very self-conscious and will interpret even the slightest glance & frown as you thinking we are horrible people. I'm not saying this is what you were doing... I just wanted to make you all aware.
on Mar 10, 2007
young children tend to like soft mommies

they're not alone.   
on Mar 10, 2007
Is that a problem? Or just an accomodation?

Both, I imagine.

Even if you think you're hiding it, we can be very self-conscious and will interpret even the slightest glance & frown as you thinking we are horrible people. I'm not saying this is what you were doing... I just wanted to make you all aware.

I'll do my best, but no promises. Like all good habits I've grown accustomed to a fat bias. The last thing I want to do in life is overcome a familiar habit, but if you reckon it'll help the obese lose weight I'll do as you request and try not to look at them.

they're not alone.

Yeah I'm with you there. A mate of mine got married a few months back (far too young in my opinion) and, to be honest, I hate his wife. But just after she got preggers she got incredibly hot. I don't understand it, but I've gone from hate-hate to hate-lust in a matter of a few months. There's something unbelievably en-hot-ening about a newly pregnant woman.

Or do you, like so many others, picture the obese shoving cookies and bon-bons and french fries and greasy burgers down their throat all day?

Hell yeah! Nothing satisfies like excess!

But to be honest I wouldn't be thinking your diet was healthy. What's V8 juice? It sounds like some carbonated, sugar-ated monstrosity like Red Bull. That can't be healthy. And toad-in-the-hole (eggy bread as you call it) isn't exactly the health food of champions.

I wouldn't have thought such a diet would lead to clinical obesity, but I guess you just don't twitch enough. Fidget more and you might be able to burn those extra calories, or maybe not. It's always hard to know exactly how much physical activity a person needs.

I'd say you could probably drop the sugar though. Up to you if you think you can live without it or not. I find that vodka can be mixed with a decent fresh-squeezed orange or a squirt of lemon juice and still taste refreshingly fine, so maybe that's an option?

on Mar 10, 2007
LW: "Two bloody marys with vodka and V8."

Yum, yum.

I worry more about obese children. I agree that there are all sorts of factors that contribute to obesity, but I believe that there are many children eating too much junk food. Home made pizzas and burgers seem to be much more nutritious than the crap McDonalds and Pizza Hut dole out.Look at this recipe:

Home made burgers:

1lb of lean minced pork or beef or mixed.
An egg, breadcrumbs, chives,
Mix and form a patty.

Grill or barbecue and top with tomato slice, mustard and fresh rocket or lettuce.

No french fries. Lightly saute carrot sticks and sweet potato slices in olive oil.

These burgers and the accompaniment are using fresh ingredients and cooked delicately as opposed to the "manufactured" processed stuff the big take-aways push out.

on Mar 10, 2007
What's V8 juice? It sounds like some carbonated, sugar-ated monstrosity like Red Bull.

Uhh, V8 juice is VEGETABLE juice, cacto. The only knock on it is the sodium content, and they DO make a low sodium version. I know you're not familiar with American brands, but...we always have google.

The truth is, I know a LOT of overweight people who don't eat massive diets. I won't make excuses for my own weight, as I won't hesitate to say that personal decisions played the largest role in my being the size I am. But, honestly, that's my decision, and if I want to change it badly enough, I will.

Yes, Sabrina probably could have cut her caloric intake had she so chosen. But experience tells me that if you cut too many foods out of your diet, the likelihood of binge eating increases greatly.
on Mar 10, 2007
Uhh, V8 juice is VEGETABLE juice, cacto. The only knock on it is the sodium content, and they DO make a low sodium version. I know you're not familiar with American brands, but...we always have google.

I'm on a no-google binge at the moment. Instant enlightenment makes life too easy. I've decided it's time to walk the hard road for a week or so and see what life was like BG. It'll help me to understand the antiquated thoughts of those who can remember those dark days.

So far it's been scary and confusing.

But experience tells me that if you cut too many foods out of your diet, the likelihood of binge eating increases greatly.

So you'd say obesity is a result of a lack of willpower? Or just a lack of will?
on Mar 10, 2007
I'd say there are a LOT of causes, cacto. Lack of willpower may be one, but because there are so many causes, it would be premature to assume anything.
on Mar 10, 2007
LW here...

And toad-in-the-hole (eggy bread as you call it) isn't exactly the health food of champions.

One egg : 92 calories
One slice bread: 78 calories
270 calories

What's wrong with that? It's funny you take issue with the toad-in-the-hole but make no mention of the sausage, which would have been the first thing I'd cut @ 210 calories for a slim, 50gram (before cooking) patty.

Still, that's 470 calories for breakfast, and with the non-dairy creamer I figure it to be about 500.

The average woman needs about 1500 calories per day to maintain a normal weight, so that's not too far out of line.

V8 juice is a tomato, celery, and carrot juice concoction (the fact that it was used to make BLOODY MARYS should have tipped you off, don't you drink those in oz?) that weighs in at a grand total of 35 calories per 6 oz serving. Add 90 for the vodka, and my two cocktails added 250 to my daily total.

It seems the things you remarked on, those things that make us fat people fat, were the healthiest, lowest calorie items on my menu that day. Are you being deliberately obtuse, or is it that, as a naturally slender person, you remain totally uninformed about truly healthy food choices?
on Mar 10, 2007
I'd say there are a LOT of causes, cacto. Lack of willpower may be one, but because there are so many causes, it would be premature to assume anything.

As I said. I am sure some is a lack of will power. Some is hormonal. Some is medical. And some is biological. To paint all with one brush is to do a disservice to all the rest - and in my opinion - they are a majority. The only reason there are more obese people today is due to medical advances. In years past, they would have died either from the medical problems, or the obesity that now can be treated.
on Mar 10, 2007

It seems the things you remarked on, those things that make us fat people fat, were the healthiest, lowest calorie items on my menu that day. Are you being deliberately obtuse, or is it that, as a naturally slender person, you remain totally uninformed about truly healthy food choices?

Of course I'm obtuse. I think it's my greatest gift to mankind. There's no reality I won't blithely ignore.

More seriously, you've got a point. I just couldn't imagine eating anything other than cereal for breakfast. Something as buttery and oily as good toad-in-the-hole would make me sick. To use my current favourite phrase wrongly, I'd be gagging for it.

As for calories I'm totally not up on them. I've always ranked food by fat content and the kinds of fat they have in them.

And yes, I forgot about the sausage. But sometimes sausages are the elephant in the room. I just don't want to talk about them.

Oh, and as for why you might be overweight I would have thought it might have something to do with your health. It's probably pretty hard to get that much fitness work in with really bad arthritis. You can eat as healthily as you like but if you can't exercise you're going to pack on pounds.

The only reason there are more obese people today is due to medical advances. In years past, they would have died either from the medical problems, or the obesity that now can be treated.

I would have said it's access to lots of food at any time, but each to their own. In the old days you had to cook your own revoltingly unhealthy concoctions - http://www.lileks.com/institute/gallery/index.html - but these days you can just buy them readymade from a freezer.

I reckon that's the big difference behind the rise in obesity. But why people choose to remain obese, that's the big question.
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