Dull thoughts on a shiny, shiny world.
Published on September 4, 2006 By cactoblasta In Current Events
Steve Irwin died today. Rumours have it he was killed by a stingray sting to the heart.

Is anyone surprised he died to one of the animals he spent his entire life pissing off? It's almost poetic justice.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Sep 04, 2006
Seriously can't you wait a day?

There's reports saying that Bindi wasn't in Tassie with Terri and that she was actually with Steve on the shoot.
Bindi is 8 years old.
on Sep 04, 2006
This was sad news. I don't think it was poetic justice, I think it was a tragedy. My boys loved watching him and so did I. I don't think he was out pissing animals off. I think he loved all of the animals especially the ones that so many people are afraid of and would kill out of fear. Many of the animals that he was capturing, he was capturing to save them from being killed not to hurt them or piss them off.

It was a very freak thing to happend. From what I understand the shock or poison of the sting going into his heart caused a heart attack.

Prayers to his family. May he rest in peace.
on Sep 04, 2006
I have to admit, I didn't watch his show much, but Jennifer and Locamama hit it on the head. He had such enthusiasm for what he did that you can't help but admire him. It's a real loss to the animal lovers of the world. And it sucks that he went at such a young age - I'm sure he would've rather gone in a way like that, but not with such a young family. If only this had happened in this eightieth year . . .
on Sep 04, 2006
Well said Jennifer 1. I salute him too.
on Sep 04, 2006
Well said Jennifer 1. I salute him too.
on Sep 04, 2006
Well said Jennifer 1. I salute him too.
on Sep 04, 2006
I, too, am extremely sad at the amount of disparaging remarks here about Steve Irwin. He was a very charismatic wildlife enthusiast whose only goal was to raise awareness and promote the preservation of the animals he so passionately loved. I've been around a lot of wild animals in my life, and I saw absolutely nothing inappropriate to the animals in his shows or in footage at the zoos and parks. Granted, he thumbed his nose at fate a lot more than he should have, but I learned more about crocodiles and snakes from watching to see if he would get bitten. And that was his whole point.
His very passion made him a larger than life personality and the conservation efforts have lost a unique spokesperson this day. To belittle his efforts, particularly at this point, sound petty and churlish. He was quoted as saying, "If something ever happens to me, people are gonna be like 'we knew a croc would get him!'"

He was swimming above the stingray and the barb came up from below him. It went under his ribcage and pierced his heart directly. A true freak accident, but he died doing what he loved to do.

I hope that when I die, people don't swarm to blogs the day of, and make such belittling comments about me.
on Sep 04, 2006

Cacto, after reading the comments, my comment is somewhat muted.  As I understand now, the vein in which you wrote the article.

But Quite simply, even in retrospect, I find it very harsh, and not in any way compassionate.

Sorry, a man's death, that was simply trying to educate people about our animal world, is not poetic justice.  It is sad at the least, and a tragedy at the worst.

on Sep 04, 2006
I don't see the point in taking death seriously. It'll only consume you if you do that. So why not take the piss? People are going to be doing it in six months. I don't see why I can't do it now.

Sorry, a man's death, that was simply trying to educate people about our animal world, is not poetic justice. It is sad at the least, and a tragedy at the worst.

All tragedy is amusing. As some famous and probably dead comedian said, "me falling over is a tragedy. An old lady in a wheelchair falling down the stairs... that's comedy gold."
on Sep 04, 2006
I think you're the man, cacto.

What makes Steve Irwin untouchable? Fuck, don't you think HE would appreciate the joke?
on Sep 04, 2006
What makes Steve Irwin untouchable?

It's not the joke that I find distasteful. Of course, I think Steve Irwin would find it wildly hilarious.. but it's the stress on the people who feel the loss. Would you walk up to a trucker's wife and slap her on the back and say "Wooo.. How ironic that he died in a truck accident!" the day he died? Or what about his kids? And how would she feel to find the first thing on the internet about her husband's death some pea-ant pundit saying that F*ck him, good riddance?
I'm just saying, why pick today to be catty? It's not even known if his wife has been told or not.. It's my understanding she was hiking way up in some mountains? It's just in bad taste.
on Sep 05, 2006
Would you walk up to a trucker's wife and slap her on the back and say "Wooo.. How ironic that he died in a truck accident!" the day he died? Or what about his kids?

People do it all the time. Are you kidding?

And how would she feel to find the first thing on the internet about her husband's death some pea-ant pundit saying that F*ck him, good riddance?

a) I doubt she's trolling the net right now.
Who's saying THAT?

It's just in bad taste.

LOL. The world is filled with bad taste, and most people enjoy and applaud it. All the sudden we're going to be all PC and sensitive?

I'll keep that in mind the next time I see anyone say anything slightly irreverent around here. I'll be sure to give them a nice I'm-better-than-you chiding.
on Sep 05, 2006

I'll keep that in mind the next time I see anyone say anything slightly irreverent around here.

I understand irreverence.. I like irreverence.. I was making an observation that this could have waited at least one day. I'm sorry. I'm a bit old-fashioned. I still pull over when funeral's go by in my car.. Hell, I even get out of the way of the ambulances when they come up behind me. Oh.. and I wouldn't blaspheme in a church. But somehow, my personal observation and opinion makes one think that I have a "better-than-you" attitude.

Hrmmm, I'll have to work on that. Thank you sooo much for pointing out that tact and good taste are not welcome in the world, and makes people think that you feel like you are "better" than them. I'll have to learn to make disparaging remarks to the other parents about their kids at the next soccer game.. or better yet, I'll go to an old folks home, moon them and shout "YOU"RE OLD!!!" and laugh maniacally. I mean, it's obvious and irreverent. That'll make me a much more hip and happening person, won't it?
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